Access Keys:

Kilbroney Integrated Primary School, Rostrevor
Nut Free School Just a reminder that due to allergies we are a nut free school.
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February 2025 April 2025
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Sat 1

Sun 2

Mon 3
Woodwind with Pauline
Tue 4
PE with Ronan (KS2 afternoon session followed by afterschool club P4-7)
Wed 5
Peter Benson Music lessons
PE with Ronan (P1-4 morning sessions)
Organic Gardening club with Mrs Mc Manus (3-4 6 weeks)
I Rock sessions (9-11am)
Jumping Clay afterschool club (3-4pm 6 weeks)
Thu 6
Bee Safe for P7's (Burren Community Hub 10am-11.45am)
Armagh Planetarium trip for P5 (whole day trip)
Soccer afterschool club with Johnny (3-4 for 6 weeks-see letter)
Shared Education trip for P3&4 pupils to St Dallan's 9.10-12noon (PE uniform please)
World Book Day (v busy day so dress up will be 7th March)
Trailblazers Cross Community Programme with P7
Book Fair leaves today
Fri 7
GAC Blitz Attical
World Book Day-dress up as your favourite character or bring in favourite book (£1 per pupil for school council)
Sat 8

Sun 9

Mon 10
Woodwind with Pauline
Tue 11
PE with Ronan (KS2 afternoon session followed by afterschool club P4-7)
Wed 12
PE with Ronan (P1-4 morning sessions)
Organic Gardening club with Mrs Mc Manus (3-4 6 weeks)
7 a side football tournament-boys (St Columban's Kilkeel 12.45)
Peter Benson Music lessons
I Rock sessions (9-11am)
Jumping Clay afterschool club (3-4pm 6 weeks)
Thu 13
Soccer afterschool club with Johnny (3-4 for 6 weeks-see letter)
Shared Education trip for P3&4 pupils to St Dallan's 9.10-12noon (PE uniform please)
Fri 14
Green Day (Wear something green)
School closes at 12noon
Sat 15

Sun 16

Mon 17
No School as St Patrick's Day
Tue 18
PE with Ronan (KS2 afternoon session followed by afterschool club P4-7)
Wed 19
PE with Ronan (P1-4 morning sessions)
Peter Benson Music lessons
I Rock sessions (9-11am)
Jumping Clay afterschool club (3-4pm 6 weeks)
Thu 20
Shared Education trip for P3&4 pupils to St Dallan's 9.10-12noon (PE uniform please)
Fri 21
P1&2 class assembly 9.15am (parents welcome to attend assembly and stay behind for a cup of tea/coffee afterwards in the classroom)
Sat 22

Sun 23

Mon 24
P1 Nurse checks
Sustrans Big Wallk and Wheel (Children are encouraged to walk, scoot or cycle to school)
Woodwind with Pauline
Tue 25
Sustrans Big Wallk and Wheel (Children are encouraged to walk, scoot or cycle to school)
P1-3 Cinema trip (Newcastle community cinema 9-1pm)
PE with Ronan (KS2 afternoon session followed by afterschool club P4-7)
Wed 26
P1 Nurse checks
Sustrans Big Wallk and Wheel (Children are encouraged to walk, scoot or cycle to school)
PE with Ronan (P1-4 morning sessions)
Peter Benson Music lessons
I Rock sessions (9-11am)
Jumping Clay afterschool club (3-4pm 6 weeks)
Thu 27
Sustrans Big Wallk and Wheel (Children are encouraged to walk, scoot or cycle to school)
Shared Education trip for P3&4 pupils to St Dallan's 9.10-12noon (PE uniform please)
P7 Swimming lessons Newry (9.30am for 10 weeks)
Fri 28
Assembly with Rev Elizabeth
Sustrans Big Wallk and Wheel (Children are encouraged to walk, scoot or cycle to school)
Sat 29

Sun 30

Mon 31
Woodwind with Pauline
Sustrans Big Wallk and Wheel (Children are encouraged to walk, scoot or cycle to school)