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Kilbroney Integrated Primary School, Rostrevor
Playr Fit PE Uniform Link PLAYR-FIT Online Club Shop - Kilbroney Integrated Primary School Students ðŸ“¦   This is now live until 22nd January - Order Link below - Collection (Home Delivery Optional). | Nut Free School Just a reminder that due to allergies we are a nut free school.
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If you would like to see our school Prospectus, please contact the school office and we would be delighted to send you a copy. If you would like to see the school environment and staff, please get in touch to arrange a school visit.

In the meantime, everything you need to know about our school is contained in this website. Please have a browse and follow the school on our Facebook and Twitter social media accounts. 

Have a look below at the reasons why you should choose Kilbroney Integrated PS. Plus download the document '10 reasons to choose Kilbroney' attached below.

*We have small class sizes and high adult to pupil ratios.

*We have a fabulous school site overlooking Kilbroney Park aswell as fantastic learning environments to stimulate and inspire our pupils.

*We have interactive Promethean Panels and Ipads in each classroom to enhance ICT skills and to foster learning. 

*We have interactive learning apps and resources in the school such as Sumdog, Accellerated Reader to name but a few.

*We have a breakfast club which operates from 8.05am until school starts. We also offer a 'Waiting class' so that pupils in P1-3 can stay and play until their older siblings are collected at 3pm.

*We have a fabulous School Community Garden which is used throughout the school to stimulate learning, by the ECO club and is open to the public every Saturday morning from 11am-1pm.

*We have senior pupils who volunteer to be 'playground pals' and 'anti bullying buddies' to support positive outdoor play and provide peer support outside in the playground.

*We have a School Council as well as an active ECO club who meet with the school principal to allow the pupil voice to be heard and opinions considered.

*Children can learn a musical instrument through the EA music service.

*Amazing trips, sporting events and opportunities and residentials to look forward to.