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Kilbroney Integrated Primary School, Rostrevor
Nut Free School Just a reminder that due to allergies we are a nut free school.
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27th January 2025 (Primary 4 Home learning)

26th Jan 2025

Hello primary 4! 

As we are off on Monday I have added some activities that you can do at home.


Spellings are on the website under home learning. This week is “week 14.” Practice writing them out using the spelling strategies sent home on Thursday.


In numeracy this week we are focusing on area.

Watch these videos to learn more about what area is and counting squares to find the area.

What is area?

Counting squares

Area explorer game 

Activity sheets are attached below (do what you can and we will revisit this tomorrow). 


In literacy we will focus on proofreading and identifying errors in our writing.

Read and watch the videos to understand more about proofreading to support your writing.

Then can you write a short creative story describing your experience during the storm.

Think about:

  • What have you seen and heard?
  • What activities did you do when we couldn’t go outside?
  • Did you see any damage caused by the storm?

Focus on spelling, capital letters, punctuation and sentence structure.

Once you think you have finished read through your writing to proofread and identify any mistakes (think about missing capital letters or full stops).

See you all tomorrow! 

Miss Orr 😊