Primary 6
Primary Six is a very important year for all our pupils. It is a very busy year for learning in both Numeracy and Literacy. We have a major focus on reading through the Accelerated Reading Programme. Now that they are independent readers; they enjoy choosing their own books based on their own level and interests. In Numeracy, the pupils can enjoy a variety of problem solving, investigative work and enjoyable activities set within real life and imaginary contexts. During 'World around Us' the pupils have the opportunity to explore topics such as Healthy Living, Rainforests and the Vikings. This year we will be following a 'Wednesday Wellbeing' programme which will allow us to explore a range of personal development topics.
Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. Primary 6 may participate in a 'Wellness Walk' on Friday mornings, therefore it would be best to take a pair of trainers to school on that day.
For all homework, information and class letters please check the home learning section.
Mr Thompson
Latest Photographs

Kilbroney Integrated Primary School, 15 Cloughmore Road, Rostrevor, Co. Down BT34 3EL | Phone: 028 417 38491