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Kilbroney Integrated Primary School, Rostrevor
Nut Free School Just a reminder that due to allergies we are a nut free school.
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Primary 5

Welcome to our primary five class page!

Primary five is a very important year as it marks the beginning of key stage two. Many new concepts and topics will be introduced across all curriculum subjects which will be built upon throughout the rest of key stage two. In numeracy, pupils will  have the opportunity to explore number, measure, shape, handling data and problem solving using a variety of contexts and resources. An emphasis will be placed on grammar and punctuation throughout independent writing within literacy. In World Around Us, primary five will cover various topics such as Space, Fair Trade and Our Body. 

Primary five will be introduced to the Accelerated Reading Programme which aims to enhance, progress and advance all reading abilities. Accelerated Reading is a reading program that helps teachers support and monitor pupil’s reading practice. A pupil can choose a book at their own level and read it at their own pace. When finished, the pupil takes a short online quiz to measure how much of the book they understood. Accelerated reading aims to promote a positive attitude towards reading independently with progress in mind. 

Primary five will also have the opportunity to participate in after school activities such as mindfulness, gardening, choir, tin whistle, hockey, dodge ball, basketball, football, Gaelic football and jumping clay. We hope that you enjoy looking at the photographs of our school activities throughout the year.

Mr. McComiskey



13th Mar 2025
*Reminder* Friday 14th March School closes for pupils at 12pm. Waiting Class &...
6th Mar 2025
Our Primary 5 boys and girls had an exciting and educational day at Armagh Planetarium!...
4th Mar 2025
Today the P5 children celebrated Pancake Tuesday by enjoying some huge pancakes...

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