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Kilbroney Integrated Primary School, Rostrevor
Nut Free School Just a reminder that due to allergies we are a nut free school.
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News - PTA

2018/2019 School Year

26th Feb 2019
The PTA would like to add to the school's library. If there are any unwanted...
1st Feb 2019
A reminder that our school choir is participating in the Dublin Peace Proms....
30th Jan 2019
Come along and help support our School and Community Garden at the Pub Quiz this...
22nd Jan 2019
Many thanks to the PTA for all of the lovely books they have purchased for the children. 
11th Jan 2019
Thanks to our PTA who arranged for a parent to come in and create 'Rudolph Face Cloths'...
6th Dec 2018
Thank you to Joan Regan for coming into primary five and making Christmas decorations...